list_name)->where('active', true)->latest('created_at')->first(); } public static function getLatestList($list_name) { return static::where('list_name', $list_name)->where('active', true)->latest('created_at')->first(); } private function setList($list_array) { $this->list_json = json_encode($list_array); } public static function createList(string $list_name, $list_json) { $sks = new static(); $sks->list_name = $list_name; if (is_array($list_json)) { $list_json = json_encode($list_json); } $sks->list_json = $list_json; $sks->active = true; $sks->fixOrder(); return $sks; } public function fillWithRaiders() { $options = get_option('wowpress_api'); if (isset($options['wowaudit'])) { $key = get_option('wowpress_api')['wowaudit']['key']; } else { return false; } $api = new WoWAudit(null, $key); $roster = $api->getRoster(); $list = []; foreach ($roster as $id => $character) { if (!empty($character['name'])) { $list[] = [ 'char' => $character['name'] . "-" . $character['realm'], 'rank' => $id + 1, 'active' => true, ]; } } $this->list_json = json_encode($list); } public function getListArrayAttribute() { return json_decode($this->list_json, true); } public function shuffle() { $ranks = range(1, count($this->list_array)); shuffle($ranks); $list = $this->list_array; foreach ($list as $id => &$list_item) { $list_item['rank'] = array_pop($ranks); } $this->saveList($list); } private function getChar($char) { foreach ($this->list_array as $list_item) { if ($list_item['char'] == $char) { return $list_item; } } return false; } private function sort($list) { usort($list, fn($a, $b) => $a['rank'] - $b['rank']); return $list; } public function fixOrder() { $data = $this->list_array; // Separate active and inactive items $activeItems = []; $inactiveItems = []; foreach ($data as $item) { if ($item["active"]) { $activeItems[] = $item; } else { $inactiveItems[] = $item; } } // Sort the active items by rank usort($activeItems, function ($a, $b) { return $a["rank"] - $b["rank"]; }); // Reassign ranks starting from 1 for active items $rankCounter = 0; foreach ($activeItems as $key => $item) { $rankCounter += 1; foreach ($inactiveItems as $inactive_item) { if ($inactive_item['rank'] == $rankCounter) { $rankCounter += 1; } } $item["rank"] = $rankCounter; $activeItems[$key] = $item; } // Merge active and inactive items back $data = array_merge($inactiveItems, $activeItems); $data = $this->sort($data); $this->setList($data); } public function loot($char) { if ($looter = $this->getChar($char)) { if ($looter['active']) { $list = $this->list_array; foreach ($list as $id => &$list_item) { if ($list_item['rank'] == $looter['rank']) { $list[$id]['rank'] = PHP_INT_MAX; //Ans Ende der Liste mit dem Looter break; } } return $this->saveList($list); } } return false; } public function saveList($list_array) { $this->active = false; $this->save(); $new = self::createList($this->list_name, $list_array); $new->save(); return $new; } public function toggleActive($rank) { $list = $this->list_array; foreach ($list as &$list_item) { if ($rank == $list_item['rank']) { $list_item['active'] = !$list_item['active']; return $this->saveList($list); } } return false; } public function getList() { return $this->list_array; } public function getCharData($char) { list($name, $realm) = explode("-", $char); $character = Character::whereName($name)->whereRealm($realm)->first(); if (empty($character)) { $character = new Character(); $character->name = $name; $character->realm = $realm; $character->class = "priest"; } return $character; } public function getPreviousList() { return SKSHistory::where('list_name', $this->list_name)->whereNot('active')->where('created_at', '<', $this->created_at)->latest()->first(); } public function getNextList() { return SKSHistory::where('list_name', $this->list_name)->whereNot('active')->where('created_at', '>', $this->created_at)->first(); } public function undo() { $lastItem = $this->getPreviousList(); $lastItem->active = true; $lastItem->save(); $this->active = false; $this->save(); } public function redo() { $nextItem = $this->getNextList(); $nextItem->active = true; $nextItem->save(); $this->active = false; $this->save(); } public function removeChar($char, $realm = "") { if ($realm) { $char = $char . "-" . $realm; } $list = $this->list_array; foreach ($list as $id => $list_item) { if (!$list_item['active'] && $list_item['char'] == $char) { unset($list[$id]); } } $this->saveList($list); } public function addChar($char, $realm = "") { if ($realm) { $char = $char . "-" . $realm; } $list = $this->list_array; foreach ($list as $list_item) { if ($list_item['char'] == $char) { return false; } } $list[] = [ 'rank' => PHP_INT_MAX, 'active' => true, 'char' => $char ]; $this->saveList($list); } }